I’m a blue-eyed blonde
you are brown and he’s
black, you say
So what, I say
Scratch the micron skin
dig a little deep
we are all the same beneath:
tissues, marrow, blood and bones
a heart that beats and
a stomach that churns
you and he and I
in sorrow, grieve
in sadness, pine
in anger, roar
in joy, float
in jealousy, twist and turn.
So how are we different?
Did you say we are culturally different?
Beliefs, customs and art are not the same, I admit
but how does your colour argument fit?
A monotone one-cultured world
nature and nurture never unfolds.
Stop! Not again “this land is ours”!
Probe your history
‘whose land’ becomes a mystery.
Go up in space and look down
borders and boundaries blur
illusions of mind break down.
So drop your pretensions
wake up from your delusions and
walk naked my friend!
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